Yesterday I posted the best way to connect Huawei 220 in Mac OS X Leopard (here). BUT if you are (like me) addictive to Halo 3 or Battlefield: Bad Company and the only source of internet you have is the E220, or you are stuck with WiFi only and don't want to buy that expensive Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter, then this post is the BEST for you!
Here is the solution... I've been doing this for almost three months now, I'm enjoying online gaming using my Huawei 220.
There are two ways to do that,
1) Direct connection between Mac and other device (I'll use PS3 as my example) COMING SOON.
2) Sharing the internet to a Router (More difficult) to connect more devices COMING SOON.
Both of the two ways share the same "concept".
As always if you like my work PLZ click on the banner below, Thank you (^_^).
Jun 23, 2008
Share your internet from Mac to XBOX360, PS3, Wii, iPhone.... anything!!
Battlefield: Bad Company,
Halo 3,
Huwaei 220,
internet share,
XBOX 360