Jun 22, 2008

Mobily connect in Mac OSX Leopard

Hay, so allot of you guys might be having problems with Mobily Connect under Mac OS X Leopard (Specially 10.5.3). Here's is my work around to achieve the must out of your connection (My download rate increased from 180-600 in the last week).

WARNING: I'm not responsible for anything that might/could happen to your computer or your Huawei E220. PLZ follow the steps if you have any complain post it down.


1) The Huawei 220 connect (of course!).
2) Windows XP or Vista. DAMN!
3) Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.3 .


You need to update your connect (Huawei 220) to the latest firmware. This can be found in the official company website here. Which is VERY difficult to navigate through. Download this firmware:

E220 Client Software UTPSB002D03SP16C03 for WinXP&2K&Vista (7115 KB) 20-Mar-2008

NOTE: You might ask about the other version that supports PC/Mac, I used all of them and I think this firmware is the best for Max. performance.

In Windows, just plug the USB cable DON'T connect to the internet. Install the firmware like any other install application.

NOTE: Make sure you complete all the installation. If you are using a Laptop PLZ make sure the Battery is FULL or the Power cable is plugged. Because any disturbing to the install may DEFECT your connect.

Go to your Mac. Install the latest software drivers (I Just did this I don't know if it's required) :) Here:

E220 Client Software MACHOSTB023D01SP00C03 for Mac (1298 KB) 01-Apr-2008

After installation (Connect your Huawei 220 if you did not), go to Network in System Preference. You'll find two new connection on the left side HUAWEI MOBILE and DIAG (You can delete DIAG if you want to). Go to HUAWEI MOBILE in the left side Click Advance. Then under Modem tap do as you see in this screen shot (Click to enlarge).

NOTE: I don't use Huawei's drivers. They are not stable when trying to download large files, it hangs then it causes Kernel Panic (The famous power button will appear). But with I-O DATA driver if it hangs it does not cause any panic to the system just unplug and plug it back to return to normal.

Go to the PPP tab (Optional), with this one you can adjust it to what ever you like. I like my internet to be connected all the time, that's why I use these settings (Click to enlarge).

Click OK to finish from the advance menu, now on the mane Network menu put *99# (Star, Nine, Nine, Hash) as your phone number.Click apply then click connect and your ready to go.

If you like what I've done PLZ take a moment and click on the banner in the bottom. I'm waiting for your posts (^_^).